on the activities related to

Co-operation Agreement N 7IP65642

for the period January-September 2002


Department of Informatics

South West University "N. Rilski"

Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria



In accordance with the definitions laid down in the Global Concept and scopes of the IP  project "Establishing CSE in Bulgaria and Macedonia"   the following  activities  have been  done:


  1. A general investigation of the possibility and necessity of  CSE courses to be included in the Bachelor and the Master programs of SWU.


  1. To check students potentials  two diploma  projects using Matlab tools for the best non-linear  curve fitting of a dose-respons biological data have been prepared.


  1. A course "Matlab tools" for computer science second year students of SWU has been prepared. The course starts from the next year with 30h lectures and 15h practice.


  1. Our master programs for the courses Network flows and Graph optimization; Neural networks; Operational research and  Discrete mathematics have been  adapted to use corresponding parts of Matlab.


  1. A  new CSE dedicated curriculum will be developed jointly with the BAS working group and will be incorporated  into the master level programs of SWU.



  1. We intend after the meeting in Zurich to transfer suitable  master courses developed at the institute of  scientific computing in our master program.


  1. To support all above activities by new equipment we agree with the policy of the Co-ordinator Prof. W. Gander to buy a powerful server in the limits of 5000 CHF and connect it with the  computer classes in SWU.



Ivan  Mirchev

Peter  Milanov