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webMathematica Tutorial


One of the useful features of webMathematica is its integration with the LiveGraphics3D applet. This applet displays Mathematica three-dimensional graphics and provides support for features such as interactive rotation and resizing. It is shipped with webMathematica and is used by the command MSPLive3D. The applet has been carefully developed so that it works in a wide range of different Java-enabled browsers.
The interface is given below.
user actionapplet reaction
drag and press the left mouse buttonrotate about an axis in the picture
release the left mouse button while draggingspin about an axis in the picture
press the SHIFT key and drag verticallyzoom
press the SHIFT key and drag horizontallyrotate about an axis perpendicular to the picture
press the CONTROL key and drag verticallychange the focal length
press the CONTROL key and drag horizontallychange the strength of the stereo effect
press the META (ALT) key (or the right mouse button) and drag verticallystrip parts of the graphics
press the 'o' keywrite parameter settings in the Java console
press the 's' keytoggle between single and stereo views
press the HOME keyrestore the original perspective (no spinning)
In addition, the MSPLive3D command can set the Magnification parameter for the applet as follows.
More information on the LiveGraphics3D applet is available from the website maintained by its author, Martin Kraus, at http://wwwvis.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/~kraus/LiveGraphics3D.