Math Cocktail
Interval Computations
General Info
Developing webComputing service was initiated by
the Swiss NSF Project
SCOPES 7 IP 65642 "Establishing Computational Science & Engineering in BG and MK".
It is presently supported by the Bulgarian National Science Fund under the
project IS-03/2003 "Web-Based Computations and Visualization".
Citation You may use the results and graphics generated by this site as long as the copyright notice remain. Each page of the site has an unique name which will never change although the site will expand. The citation name is incorporated into a corresponding URL that can be used to directly reference a particular page. An example of working citation is:http://cose.math.bas.bg/webMathematica/webComputing/BesselZeros.jsp Using this format will ensure that the citation remains valid through time. We recommend that any result, generated by webComputing, that you use in a publication or elsewhere has the following citation format: Popova, E.: WebComputing Service Framework. Int. Journal Information Theories & Applications 13(3), 2006, pp. 246-254. followed by the URL of the specific webComputing page in use. If you want to: