
Parametric Linear System

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  Parametric LinSolver:
Linear Dependencies
Any Dependencies

  General Info

Why to use?

involving rational dependencies

Here you can solve parametric linear systems (square, over-, or underdetermined) that involve rational dependencies between interval parameters. (This page is updated March 2006.)

The solution method is a generalized parametric fixed-point iteration combined with algebraic simplification and generalised interval arithmetic for obtaining sharp range enclosure.

Input data (the system matrix, the right-hand side vector, the parameters and the intervals wherein they vary) should be symbolic-numeric and must be specified in Mathematica notations.

data from the last uploaded data files. To upload the necessary data files click here.

Active data files:    None

Manual input

Enter a parametric matrix row by row enclosed in curly brackets:

Enter the right-hand side vector:

Enter the interval values for the parameters by a list of rules:
Rules have the form parameter_name -> numeric interval.

Compute Optional:     Inner Estimation

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